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Current affairs of Uttarakhand august 2018,Uttarakhand GK

Current affairs of Uttarakhand august 2018,Uttarakhand GK

Current affairs of Uttarakhand august 2018,Uttarakhand GK,BEST material for uttarakhand gk Most important current affairs for ukpsc exam,GK for ukpsc/ukpcs.

Dear Friends;
We have been publishing this magazine bilingual since last six month,starting from February 2018. we have been very specific in choosing material and article.we focus on all stages of UKPSC exam only.we know there are many magazine that consist whole current affairs,but this is magazine that consist only uttarakhand special that fulfills need of UKPSC.
since this is free of cost material that has been prepared by putting lot of efforts ,so if you like it, please share and publicise it as token of appreciation for SAMVEG IAS.
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 Download the current affairs of uttarakhand august 2018

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