Best IAS UKPSC Coaching in Dehradun

Strategy for UK Lower PCS by Pooja Sharma 6th Rank (NT)

Strategy for UK Lower PCS by Pooja Sharma 6th Rank (NT)

Hello aspirants, I would like to share my strategies

First of all you all need to know that in uttrakhand every exam takes 3 to 4 years to get completed. So I think that everyone should have one backup career plan with  to keep them motivated throughout the prepration phase.

As if  failures sometimes make us disheartened but always remember this is not the end of JOURNEY as without falling down you would never know how to stand up and rise again.

How to start preparation.
For pre phase : start with brushing up your basics from ncert’s{ selectively} and try to make your own notes from whichever book you study try to pen them down and revise them regularly also solve previous year questions.

For mains : I went through my notes which I have prepared for pre exam. For uttrakhand I went through books like winser . Pariksha wani and refferd to ukd government websites for schemes and programmes. SAMVEG IAS website also helps a lot for current affairs.

It would be better to prepare your own essay through different sources it would not only enhance you knowledge but also help to improve you writing skills. As mains is all about writing everything concisely. Try to solve previous years papers from different states.

For interview : Samveg ias have played a major role for me. I am highly grateful to samveg ias for boosting my confidence for the interview and giving right direction to my prepration.

At last you have to be calm and try to find new positivists in your life everyday. Always remember hard work pays off .

Pooja Sharma ,6th Rank,(NT) Uttarakhand Lower PCS 2016

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