interview transcript of Mr Arijit (9th march 2016) in IAS-2015

interview transcript of Mr Arijit (9th march 2016) in IAS-2015

Dear candidate
we are posting interview of Mr Arijit which was held on 9th march for benefit of other candidate.
Name :  Arijit
UPSC Board  :  Smt Alka  Sirohi
Date : 9th march.2016
Chairman. asked:
Q1  What are you doing in ISHAPORE?
Ans : Replied
Q2  : what were you doing in DRDO?
Ans : Replied
Q3 How are you utilising your talent/ knowledge of B.Tech at ISHAPORE?
Ans: Replied.
Member  (M1).
Q4 : Asked about discovery of sea routes, explorer in recent human history..(vasco de gama, cape of good hope)
Ans: Replied.
Q5 :Travelling, exercising- kind of exercise, founder of yoga.
Ans: Replied.
(Note : Travelling  was written in extracurricular activities)
Member  (M2).
Q6 : What do you mean by a classic book.
Ans: Replied.
Q7  : Meaning of culture
Ans: Replied (Little bit discussion on micro and macro aspect of culture take place)
Q8 :How important is listening for a leader?
Ans: Replied. (Indeed good question, related to current happening, replied with view that good listening attributes of leader help him to take good decision)
Member  (M3).
Q9 : Field of number theory, mathematicians involved in it.. unsolved problems.
Ans: Replied.(Math is my optional subject)
Q10 Nuclear doctrine of india… Name of nuclear submarine.
Ans: Replied.
Q11  :Nuclear triad.
Ans: Replied.
Q12 Questions on “feeding stray dogs”—why don’t you support killing stray dogs?
Ans : This was from my hobbies part. I answered very well why stray dog should not be killed .
During answering Member M1 also asked question and was very keen to know about this issue. At same time chairperson Intervened- and asked to give a quick response to M1.
M1 Was proceeding to another question, chairperson intervened stating only one ques..
Don’t remember exactly but discussion went on sterilisation, talked about NGO owned by Debo Shree Roy..
M3 Said to chairperson —effort is laudable..
Member  (M4).
Q13 :Responsible tourism..
Ans: Replied.
Q14  : Trichy..  speciality—answered city of temples.. rockfort temple.. didn’t know who had constructed same.
Ans: Replied.( I studied from NIT Trichy)
Q15  : Animal corridor- why?
Ans: Replied.
Again Chairman start asking questions
Q16 : difference between two diodes..
Ans : i didn’t know.. i said maa’m studied long back.. she said there are things we studied 40 yrs back.. i said “i am sorry maam”.. she said doesn’t matter..
Q17 Man’s best friend..
Ans : replied dog..
Q18 : Why so?
Ans : Replied from my own exp… she said yes unconditional love.
Q19 : Relation between dogs and electronics..
Ans : I said they act as good guide.. why? I said due to their strong sense of smell and “got stuck”..then suddenly observed M3. touching  his left ear.. i replied sense of hearing (this was unique as never before did i find a member so friendly, may be M3 had hinted).
Q20 :Why do dogs have good sense of hearing..
Ans : they can hear very low as well high frequencies..
Q21 :She asked about range
Ans : i didn’t know.
Q22 :How do dolphins interact.. she asked me to guess range of frequency.
Ans :I said i am sorry.. she said ok thank you..
When I thanked M1. He said shabash.. AGAIN  discussed about garbage maintenance—stray dogs etc.
This was typical bio data based interview .Lets see what marks  interview board awards.