Samveg ias congrates ashish kumar for his grand success in UPSC EXAM 2016 by samveg ias

Samveg ias congrates ashish kumar for his grand success in UPSC EXAM 2016.
It is great news.after all due to his determination,hardwork and god grace ashish achieved this feet. he has been associated with samveg from last attempt and acknowledge us for our small contribution.This all is possible because of his untiring hard work.we feel happy for our association with ashish and hope for better career ahead. He is inspiration for many who got achievement in their last attempt.Point is that one should prepare till he has zeal for upsc.

Team samveg
Ashish Kumar
Hi Sir
This is Ashish Kumar
I got 974 rank in cse 2016
Thank you very much for your invaluable support and guidance
Ashish Kumar
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