#AIM #Mentorindia #Ataltinkeringlabs#ukpsc #samvegias

The Mentor India program is a voluntary national movement being led by AIM, wherein skilled professionals provide pro-bono mentoring to young ATL innovators, with a strong sentiment towards nation building.

These skilled volunteers, who are called the ‘Mentors of Change’ spend time on-ground with ATL students, who are the young innovators of India and enable them to experience, learn and practice 21st century skills such as human centric design approach, computational thinking, physical computing etc.

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)

AIM is Government of India’s flagship initiative to create and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across the length and breadth of our country.

AIM’s objective is to develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of the economy, provide platforms and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders, and create an umbrella structure to oversee the innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem of the country.

Atal Tinkering Labs

With a vision to ‘Cultivate one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators’, Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India.

The objective of this scheme is to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc.