Changed Pattern of Uttarakhand Lower PCS 2024
UKPSC has changed the Lower PCS exam pattern and syllabus. changed pattern demand thorough study by candidates. Almost including 50 percent of the syllabus of upper mains, now preparation demands an integrated approach. The change is at mains level and interview .There is no change in prelims exam pattern or syllabus.
Lower PCS mains now will consist of 4 papers.

Lower Subordinate Services Examination :SyllabusPreliminary ExaminationGeneral Studies and General Aptitude Test (Objective Type)
Time : 2 Hours,Maximum Marks : 150,Part– 1 General Studies , Maximum Marks-100,Total Questions 100.
1.General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation:Questions on General Science and Computer operationwill cover general understating andapplication of science and Computers including matters of day to day observation and experience as may be expected from an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific or computer discipline.
2History of India and Indian National Movement:Questions on history of India and Indian National Movement will be based on broad understanding of ancient,mediaeval and modern India’s political, social, economic, and cultural aspects and India’s Freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
3Indian polity and Economy:Questions on Indian polity and economy will be based on Indian polity, Constitution, Panchayati raj and Community development,broad features of Indian economy and planning.
4Geography and Demography of India:Questions will be based on a broad understanding of geographical, ecological and socioeconomic aspects and demography of India.
5Current Events: Questions will be based on important Uttarakhand State, National and International current events including games.
6History of Uttarakand:Historical background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period (from earliest to 1200 AD) ; Mediaeval period (from 1200 to 1815 AD): Important dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and administration, British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of Uttarakhand in the Freedom Movement ofIndia and related eminent personalities, historical sites and monuments; movements for the formation of Uttarakhand, contribution of people of Uttarakhand in National and International fields, especially in Ar med forces; different social reform movements, and different welfare programmes of Uttarakhand for SC, ST, children, minorities and women.
7Culture of Uttarakand:Castes and tribes, religious and folk beliefs, literature and folk literature, traditions and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and Festive als, food habits,art and Crafts, dances, songs, musical instruments, major tourist places,important sports, tournaments and awards, famous authors and poets of Uttarakhandand their contribution in thefield of Hindi literature and folk literature, State steps taken by Uttarakhand for the development of culture.
8Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand :Geographical Setup. Salient features of Uttarakhand Himalaya. Rivers and streams, mountains, climate, forest resources and horticulture. Major crops and crop rotation. Means of irrigation. Agricultural holdings. Natural and man-made calamities and Disaster management. Watercrises and watershed management. Problems of remote areas. Environmentand environmental movements. Biodiversity and its preservation.Population of Uttarakhand: Classification, density, sex ratio, literacy and out migration.
9 Economic, Political and Administrative Background of Uttarakhand:Political and Administrative BackgroundElected governments in Uttarakhand and their policies, different services in the State, the political and administrative systems, Panchayti raj,Community development and Cooperatives.The historical background of the adminstrative system in Uttarakhand Land management system under Gorkhas rule and British rule, district land management (Thokdari, van panchayat, civil and soyam forest, Kesari hind(benap land)Nazul,nayabad settlements) Modern period Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Kumaunlandreforms, changesin land tenures and collection of land revenue after the enforcement of Zamidari Abolition Act, revenue police system.Economic background Indo Tibetan trade from border districts, the present position, local agriculture and animal husbandry, the uneconomic condition of land holdings and need for consoldation of holdings, Begar and Dadwar systems.
10 Economic and natural resoures:Human resources, Education system of the State and important educational institutes; forest, water, herbs, agriculture, animals, hydro electricity, minerals, tourism, industries (Small and Village) the position of utiliszation of resources.Various schemes being implemented in Uttrarakhand for the eradication of poverty and unemployment and for economic development. Economic activities and their contribution in the State GDP. The priorities of development in Uttarakhand and new strategies of planning and its problems. Marketing facilities in Uttarakhand and agriculture mandis. The salient features of the budget of UttarakhandState.
Part2 : General Aptitude TestMaximum Marks 50Total Questions- 50
1 General Intelligence:The questions on general intelligence will cover both verbaL and non verbal types,including questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memory,discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal andfigure classification and arithmetical number series. The test will also include questions designed test the candidate’s abilitiy to deal with abstract ideas, symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
Lower PCS mains syllabus

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 2 Hours
In this paper there will be two section ‘A’ and ‘B’. From each section, an essay of
around 700 words will have to be written on any one of the following subjects:
1.Literature and Culture.
2.Social, Political and Economic.
3.National/International related topic.
4.Policies related to National development, Science and Technology.
5.Environmental and Natural Disaster
(Land Slide, Deluge, Drought and Earthquakes etc.)
1.Historical, Artistic and Cultural Scenario of Uttarakhand.
2.Social and Cultural structure of Uttarakhand.
3.Environmental protection and Disaster management in Uttarakhand.
4.Role of women in Economy and Polity of Uttarakhand and Women
5.Economic and Geographical scenario of Uttarakhand and its
Tourism. Migration problem of Uttarakhand.
General Studies – First Paper
Maximum Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hrs
Various Art forms, from Ancient to Modern period- their important elements.
Literature, Painting, Music.
Bhakti Movement, Sufism, its impact on Indian culture. Main personalities.
Social-religious Movements and their impact on people and their life.
Indian Architecture – Main monuments, their chief characteristics.
Ancient Indian history-important rulers and their contribution.
Medieval India-Important rulers, their policies, and transition to modern India
(various reasons for the decline of Muslim rule, situation of turmoil and
transition to modern India)
Modern India-
Power struggle between foreign powers in India, rise of the British in India,
their policies and its impact on India and the Indians, major British rulers.
Impact of British economic policies.
Drain of Wealth (From India)
Establishment of railways and other means of communication, did these
services serve British economic interests.
Progress of education, English approach towards Indian education policy.
British policy towards Afghanistan, Burma, Tibet. Its impact on India and
the world.
British relations with native Indian rulers.
Policies like Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine of Lapse, Objectives of the
British and their later effects.
-Freedom movement
Renaissance in India and its impact on the national movement.
Mahatma Gandhi’s debut on the national stage.
Various dimensions of the national movement – from Non-cooperation
movement to Cabinet mission.
Participation of Masses from different parts of India.
Farmers and tribal movements which gave impetus to the national
The ideology of the prominent personalities who provided the base to the
national movement.
Partition- Condition and Causes.
-Challenges before India after Independence
Economic challenges.
Building the nation through social and cultural initiative.
Implementation of Five-year plan and later establishment of NITI Aayog.
History, Arts, Culture and Society of Uttarakhand
History of Uttarakhand : Pre historic and Proto- historic background ( stone
age tools, The Painted Grey Ware culture, Megalithic cultures), Excavated
Archaeological sites, Sources for the history of Cultural Pasts of Utttarkhand
(Literary, Archaeological, Oral), Ancient Tribals and Communities,
Kunindas and Yaudheyas, Administration and Cultural contributions of
Katyuri, Parmar and Chand dynasty. Relations of the rulers of Uttarakhand
with Sikhs, Rulers of Delhi, Nepal and Sirmor in Medieval times, Invasion
of Gorkhas and its impact, Administration and Slave trade, Advent of
European travelers, surveyors and missionaries, Establishment of Army
Cantonments and its social impact, Colonial land and land revenue
administration, Forestry, Excise Policy, Regional Political Organizations,
Press and Journalism, Arya Samaj and Shuddhikaran movement, Popular
People’s protest- Coolie Begar, Dola-Palki, Gadi-Sadak, Forest Agitations,
Arrival of Gandhi in Uttarakhand (1915, 1929) and Mass mobilization, Local
responses to the Gandhian movements and popular participation, Indian
National Army and its support base, Tehri Riyasat; Administration,
Dhandhak, Prajamandal movement and merger into Indian Union, Struggles
for the formation of separate state in Uttarakhand.
Religious life and Cults (Shaivism, Vaishanvism, Buddhism, Jainism, Nath
Cult, Lakulish), Temple Architecture- Types and Features, Rock Art,
Metallic Art, Wooden Art, Tradtional Knowledge System and architecture,
Paintings, Music, Dance and Songs, Hydraulic Architecture- Kup, Naula,
Khal, Gharat, Folk deity, Jagar, Pandav Lila, Dress, Costumes and
Ornaments, Fairs and Festivals, Pilgrimage and Tourist spots-Hemkund
Sahib, Nanak Matta, Kailash Mansarovar, Piran Kaliyar, Kumbh Fair, Char
Dham Yatra, Nanda Raj Jat Yatra, Folk musical instruments, Food habits
and local cuisines, Important personalities of Uttarakhand (Spiritual Saints,
Freedom fighters, Authors, Artists), Garhwali and Kumauni language and
literature, Government measures of conservation of Language and Culture.
Evolution of Indian Constitution: History and Constituent Assembly
Debates; Salient features; Preamble and Basic Structures; Amendment
Procedures and Amendment Acts.
Rights and Duties: Citizenship; Fundamental Rights; Directive Principles
of State Policy; Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles of State Policy; and Fundamental Duties.
Union and State Executive: President; Prime Minister and Council of
Ministers- Power and Functions; Governor; Chief Minister and Council of
Ministers- Power and Functions.
Union and State Legislatures: Indian Parliament-Powers and Functions;
State Legislatures-Powers and Functions.
Indian Judiciary: Supreme Court-Composition, Powers and Functions;
High Courts- Composition, Powers and Functions; Judicial Review; and
Judicial Activism.
Elections and Political Parties in India: National and State Parties;
Election Commission of India; Electoral laws; Model Code of Conduct;
Anti-Defection Laws; and Electoral Reform Measures.
Indian Federal Structure: Central-State Relations- Legislative, Financial
and Administrative; Panchayati Raj and Municipal Institutions.
Constitutional Bodies and Administrative Control Mechanisms:
Constitutional Functionaries; Constitutional, Legislative and Judicial
Control over Administration.
Administrative System and Administrative Reforms: NITI Aayog;
Different Tribunals; E-Governance; Lokpal; Right to Information (RTI);
Right to Education (RTE); Right to Public Services; Citizen Charters; Role
of Ministries and Departments; Administrative Reforms Commission
(ARC) Recommendations.
National Integration and Challenges: Insurgency; Internal Security;
Inter-State Disputes.
Political and Administrative System of Uttarakhand: Structure and
Legislative Assembly in Uttarakhand: Powers and Functions.
Judiciary in Uttarakhand: Appointment of High Court and Lower Court
Judges; Powers and Functions; Lok Adalat; Lokayukta; Uttarakhand Public
Services Tribunal and Judicial Interventions.
Political Parties in Uttarakhand: Elections, Leadership, Anti-Defection
Law, Political Participation and Accountability.
Local Self-Government in Uttarakhand: Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)
and Urban Local Bodies; Role of State Election Commission.
Social Issues and Contemporary Problems in Uttarakhand: Political and
Leadership Issues; Problem of Corruption; Role of Civil Society & Media;
Anti-Alcohol Movement, Problems of Minorities’; Women and Weaker
Sections in Uttarakhand; Climate Change; Power Projects and threat of Lake
and Cloud Burst; Illegal Mining; Human-Animal Conflict; Human
Trafficking and Drug Abuse Menace.
Administrative Services and Control in Uttarakhand: The Uttarakhand
Right to Service Act, 2011; Social Audit; Citizen Charter; Vigilance
Establishment Uttarakhand.
Social Schemes/Programmes in Uttarakhand: Women and Child; Health
and Wellness; Education and Learning; Business and Entrepreneurship;
Agriculture, Rural and Environment; Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance; Housing and Shelter; Skills and Employment; Sports and Culture.
National Basic Services Schemes/Programmes in Uttarakhand: National
Health Mission; Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency
(UREDA); Uttarakhand State Rural Livelihoods Mission; Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme; Veer Chandra Singh
Garhwali Paryatan Swarozgar Yojana; Rural Enterprise Acceleration Project
(REAP); Uttarakhand Skill Development Mission, 2013 (UKSDM); Deen
Dayal Upadhyay Grah Aawas (Home Stay) Scheme.
Government Initiatives for Social Inclusion: The Uttarakhand Public
Services (Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections) Act, 2019; The
Uttarakhand Public Services (Horizontal Reservation for Women) Act, 2022;
10 per cent Reservation in government jobs for statehood activists and their
dependents and Acts related to marginalized and other socially/economically
weaker sections; State Uniform Civil Code.
General Science, Technology and Environment
Questions on General Science, Technology and Environment shall be
such that they shall cover general understanding and application of
Science, Technology and Environment including matters of day-to-day
observation and experience, as may be expected from an educated
person who has not made a special study of any particular branch of
science, technology and environment.
Worldwide environmental issues (like air pollution, atmospheric pollution
and water pollution) and solutions for control on them, green house effect
and global warming, ozone depletion in stratosphere, forest degradation,
deforestation and carbon absorption.
Principles of biotechnology, Use of biotechnology for improvement of living
standards in the field of human health and food production.
Infectious life style of human beings and its prevention. Nutritional
requirements for human growth, Diseases of animals, birds and plants and
their prevention.
Polymers (biopolymers and bio plastics) and solution. Fundamental
environmental chemistry, Soil pollution and their treatment. Origin of life,
Biological evolution and chemical toxicology, Principles of green chemistry
and their products, Genetic disorder.
General idea of Force, Energy, Light, Electricity, Magnetism,
Semiconductor, Nuclear Energy, Astrophysics and their uses in daily life.
Basics of computers, it’s components and it’s applications in daily life.
Basics of information technology, it’s applications and it’s impact on daily
life. Uses of word-processing, spreadsheet and presentation software. Uses
of internet and email. Cyber crime and basics of cyber laws, Basics of eGovernance and it’s applications, e-Governance related aspects in
Human Values, Work Culture and Civil Service Aptitude
Human Values: Nature and Types, Importance and Characteristics
Role of Family, Society and Education in inculcating Human Values.
Work Culture: Concept, Approaches to Work Culture; Work Culture for
Effective Performance, Role of Work Culture in Administration.
Attitude: Concept, Structure and Functions and its Application in
Aptitude: Meaning, Role of Aptitude and Foundational Values in Public
Services- Integrity, Impartiality, Objectivity, Empathy and Dedication.
Emotional Intelligence: Concept and Application in Administration and
Public/Civil services: Values and Ethics in Public Administration
Concerns and Dilemmas in Government and Private Institutions, Ethical
Issues in Public Organisations.
Probity in Governance: Meaning, Features, Deficit in Ethical and Moral
Values in Governance. Information Sharing and Transparency in
Contribution of Indian Moral Thinkers and Philosophers: Mahatma Gandhi,
B.R. Ambedkar, Swami Vivekanand, Rabindra Nath Tagore, and APJ Abdul
Case Studies on Above Topics.
General Studies – Second Paper
Maximum Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hrs
Basic Features of Indian economy, National income and per capita
income: Meaning & trends, Sectoral composition and structural changes,
Problems of sustainable development. Human Development index.
Inclusive growth: issues and policy initiatives, Economic empowerment
of women.
Economic Planning in India: Objectives, strategy, achievements &
limitations, Rational, objectives and functions of NITI Aayog. Regional
imbalances, Poverty, Economic Inequality, Inflation and unemployment:
Meaning, causes, effects & Policy initiatives.
Trends of agricultural production, productivity and prices,
commercialization and diversification, Institutional and technological
Changes, Agricultural Price Policy, Rural credit: Issues, Progress &
Policy initiatives, Food security: Meaning, Issues, Progress & Policy
initiatives, Farm subsidy: Issues, Problems, effects & Policy Initiatives,
Industrial Production in India: Trends & composition, Industrial Policy
and its effects on growth, Role of MSMEs, Disinvestment: Challenges
and Policy.
Tax Structure in India, Goods and Service Tax (GST) : Concept, features,
progress & limitation, Fiscal federalism, Fiscal Policy and reforms, Main
features of Current Union Budget, Black economy : Meaning, Issues,
Estimates & Policy initiatives, Trend, Direction and composition of
India’s foreign trade, Reforms in India’s external sector, India’s BOP
Performance and Policy, India and Economic International institutions,
organizations and groups, Public Debt : Issues & Management, Financial
sector reforms in India, Digital Payments: Issues, Methods, Effects &
Policy initiatives, Inclusive finance, Monetary Policy of RBI.
Broad demographic features of India, Migration and economic
development, Issues related to urbanization, Infrastructure sector in India:
Growth drivers and Policy initiatives.
Features of Uttarakhand Economy, State GDP and Per Capita Income,
Structural Changes, Natural and Human Resources, Population and
Demography, Forest, Energy, Agriculture and Animal wealth. Water
Resources and Energy Development, Natural Disasters, Herbs and
Trade, Commerce and Industry: Inter-state trade, Manufacturing, Heavy,
Medium, Small Scale and Cottage Industries development. Transport –
Roads, Railways, Airports: Programmes and Challenges.
Public Finance: Budget, Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Reforms, Taxes and
Taxation, Public Income and Financial Deficit, Public Expenditure and
Human Development: Human Development Index, Literacy and
Education System, Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Programmes,
Unemployment and Employment Schemes/Programs, Health and
Sanitation, Pension and Insurance, Social Welfare and Government
Schemes, Displacenment and Migration, Economic Empowerment of
Agriculture and Rural Development: Major Crops, Fruit Production,
Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Holdings and Land Reforms, Farmer
Welfare, Panchayati Raj, Community Development and Cooperative
Movement, Technological Changes, Agricultural Marketing, Minimum
Support Price, Rural Development Scheme.
Banking and Finance: Present Scenario, Development of Banking and Its
Contribution to State GDP, Inclusive Finance, Rural Credit – Challenges
and Policy.
Tourism and Pilgrimage: Contribution of Tourism and Pilgrimage in
Economic Development, Eonomic Importance of Religious Tourism,
Tourism Development Programmes and Plans.
Geography of India and Demography
It will include question on broad understanding of Indian Geography and
Demography. Questions will be asked on the following topics:
Physical features of India.
Geological System and Structure.
Relief, Drainage and Interlinking of Rivers.
Climate phenomena: El-Nino, La-Nina, Southern Oscillation, Western
Disturbances, Consequences of Climate Change.
Soils degradation and Deforestation.
Forest, Forest products, Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks,
Biodiversity Hot-Spot.
Environmental problems and Ecological Issues in India.
International boundaries of India and related Geopolitical Issues.
Salient features of Indian Agriculture, Agro-based activates, Land
Reforms, Problems of Wasteland and their reclamation.
Mines and Minerals, Energy resources, Energy crisis and search for
Industrial development in India.
Major Transport Corridors, Problems and prospects of Civil Aviation
and Water Transport.
Regional disparities in Economic Development of India.
Natural Hazards and Disasters in India.
Regional consciousness and Nation integration of India on the basis of
Physical and Demographic characteristics, Geographical basis of
Center-State relations.
Distribution and growth of population in India, Demographic
characteristics, Dependency Ratio, Migration (Interregional, Interstate
and International).
Geographical set up and geo-political significance of Uttarakhand.
Origin of Uttarakhand Himalaya, physiographic divisions of
Uttarakhand and geographical conditions responsible for the
inhabitation in different physiographic divisions.
Major rivers, their origin and significance-geographical, economic,
cultural, environmental and religious.
Major mountains and their significance- geographical, economic,
cultural, environmental and religious.
Climate including causes and effects of climatic diversity.
Forest resources and the factors affecting different forest types, forest
diversity and physiography; altitudinal zones and climatic conditions,
forest resources and economic development, conservation of forest
Development of horticulture and responsible geographical factors and
climatic variability, Challenges to horticulture.
Major crops and geographical factors and climatic conditions
responsible for crop diversity. Causes and effects of crop rotation.
Means of irrigation and geographical factors affecting their
development. Major projects of irrigation, irrigation schemes, Minor
Agricultural holdings – types and their causes.
Natural and man-made calamities and disaster management- types,
causes and their impact on human life. Role of disaster management in
natural and man-made calamities, Impact of natural and man-made
calamities on human life and environment. Efforts of Uttarakhand
Government to mitigate the impact of disasters.
Water crisis and watershed management – factors responsible for water
crisis, impact of water crisis on human life. Role of watershed
management in mitigating water crisis, significance of watershed
management, challenges to watershed management.
Problems of remote areas – types and causes of environmental
challenges, economic challenges, health challenges and access to basic
services. Efforts of Uttarakhand Government to overcome the problems
of remote areas.
Environment and environmental movements-major environmental
movements, their causes and impact upon the development of
Biodiversity and its preservation – types of biodiversity, factors affecting
biodiversity of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Himalaya as a Biodiversity
Hot-Spot of Himalaya, relevance of biodiversity, threats to
biodiversity/challenges to biodiversity, Major initiatives for
conservation efforts in Uttarakhand.
Population of Uttarakhand – diversity in distribution, density, sex-ratio,
literacy and factors affecting them. Migration and its causes and impact
of out-migration.
Statistical analysis, graph and diagram
Statistical analysis of data through measures of central tendency,
measures of dispersion, graphs and diagrams along with corresponding
concepts of their application.
Current events
Current events of international and national importance alongwith
games and sports related to the following:
(1) Global
(2) Asia
(3) India
(4) Uttarakhan