Question:Unbalanced regional growth is serious challenge for indian policy makers. what are the effort made by government in this direction recently.

भारतीय नीति निर्माताओं के लिए असंतुलित क्षेत्रीय विकास गंभीर चुनौती है। हाल ही में इस दिशा में सरकार द्वारा किए गए प्रयास क्या हैं

Balanced Regional Development

  • Release of Special Funds: To promote regional development NITI Aayog recommended release of balance funds to States namely Odisha, Bihar and West Bengal under the Special Plan (BRGF-State component) approved during the 12th Five Year Plan period, and release of one-time special assistance to the States namely Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura for the areas covered under sixth schedule of the Constitution.
  • Development support to the North East: A Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of CEO, NITI Aayog to examine and suggest a road map for a new industrial policy for the North Eastern and the Himalayan States. The Committee finalized its recommendations after having consultations with the NE States and other stakeholders. Based upon those recommendations, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) prepared North East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS) 2017, with an outlay of INR 3,000 crore up to March 2020, which was approved by the Cabinet in March, 2018.
  • NITI Forum for North East: It is the first ever regional forum constituted by NITI Aayog with representation from all the NE States and the concerned Central Ministries/Departments. This forum was constituted to identify various constraints in the way of accelerated, inclusive but sustainable economic growth in the North East Region of our country, and also to recommend suitable interventions for addressing the identified constraints. The forum also has eminent experts and reputed institutions (IIT, IIM, NERIST, RIS, RFRI etc.) as members.
  • Holistic Development of Islands:NITI Aayog has been mandated to steer the process of holistic development of identified islands as unique models of sustainable development. Accordingly, in consultation with key stakeholders, NITI Aayog has shortlisted 10 islands in the first phase. Final Site Potential Development Reports have been prepared for all the Islands. Carrying capacity of these islands have been determined and environmental zoning have been carried out to ensure sustainable development.  A Global Investor’s Conference was held in August 2018 to showcase Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Islands as hubs for self-sustaining eco-tourism projects, provide fillip to local employment and grow maritime economy.
  • Island Development Agency (IDA):The IDA was set up in June 2017 under the Chairmanship of the Home Minister of India, with the CEO, NITI Aayog as the Convener. It undertakes reviews on the progress relating to holistic development of identified islands. So far, three meeting of the IDA have been held. The last meeting of the IDA was held on 24th April, 2018.
  • UNDP Projects – GIS Based Planning:NITI Aayog has, identified the possibility of using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the planning, management and monitoring of government service delivery, based on the innovative GIS model, “Village Profile and Talukka Planning Atlas” developed at BISAG Gujarat. BISAG is developing the customized software based on the actual requirement of             each State/UT separately. NITI Aayog organized the in-depth capacity development programme of State Officials at BISAG in November 2017 for customized State softwares prepared by BISAG.