Question: Explain the steps taken by the government in dealing with air pollution and examine its shortcomings. 150 words

प्रश्न: वायु प्रदूषण से निपटने और इसकी कमियों की जांच करने में सरकार द्वारा उठाए गए कदमों की व्याख्या करें। 150 शब्द

government acknowledged air pollution as a pan–India problem with the drafting of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), which was intended to build and strengthen the institutional capacity to monitor air quality across India, carry out indigenous studies to understand the health impacts of air pollution and create a national emission inventory.

programme has been criticised by environmentalists for lack of clear reduction targets and strategies to ensure compliance to standards within a specified time frame. The criticisms are especially pertinent as the government has recently relaxed regulations for polluting coal-fired thermal power plants which were required to comply with emission standards

ukpsc / upsc mains writing practice