UPPSC 2018 PRELIMS GS PAPER ANALYSIS by SAMVEGIAS.COM , VERY Factual and easier questions except as usual history part.even after negative marking and due to large no of seats ,general cut will be 95+/-5 questions.
सामान्य इतिहास भाग के अलावा बहुत ही तथ्यात्मक और आसान प्रश्न। नकारात्मक अंकन के बाद और सीटों की बड़ी संख्या के कारण, सामान्य कट 95 +/- 5 प्रश्न होंगे।
Everyone was expecting the tough paper on basis of uppsc 2017 paper but 2018 uppcs pre gs paper was
more or less like old pattern and many questions were repeated from old questions paper.all serious candidate will definitely qualify prelims exam of uppsc 2018 prelims .Real challenge will be UPPCS 2018 Mains that will be held on UPSC mains pattern first time.so do lot of writting practice .we will try to help in writing practice for UPPSC 2018 PRE.