यूपी और उत्तराखंड के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री नारायण दत्त तिवारी नहीं रहे
यूपी और उत्तराखंड के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री नारायण दत्त तिवारी नहीं रहे
Tiwari, who joined the Congress in 1963, was the only Indian politician to have served as chief minister of two states, Uttar Pradesh and later Uttarakhand.
दिग्गज कांग्रेसी नेता और उत्तर प्रदेश व उत्तराखंड के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री नारायण दत्त तिवारी का गुरुवार को लंबी बीमारी के बाद निधन हो गया। वह 93 साल के थे। आपको बता दें कि आंध्र प्रदेश के गवर्नर रह चुके एनडी तिवारी आज ही के दिन यानी 18 अक्टूबर 1925 को कुमाऊंनी परिवार में पैदा हुए थे। दिल्ली के साकेत स्थित मैक्स अस्पताल में उन्होंने अंतिम सांस ली।
आजादी के बाद यूपी में हुए पहले चुनाव में वह नैनीताल से प्रजा समाजवादी पार्टी के टिकट पर पहली बार विधायक बनकर विधानसभा पहुंचे। वह तीन बार- जनवरी 1976 से अप्रैल 1977, अगस्त 1984 से सितंबर 1985 और जून 1988 से दिसंबर 1989 तक उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री रहे। वह 2002-07 तक उत्तराखंड के भी तीसरे मुख्यमंत्री रहे। इससे पहले 1980 में 7वीं लोकसभा के लिए वह निर्वाचित हुए थे और केंद्रीय मंत्री के तौर पर काम किया। 1985-1988 तक वह राज्यसभा के सदस्य भी रहे।
9 नवंबर साल 2000 को यूपी से अलग होकर उत्तराखंड अलग राज्य बना। पिछले 18 वर्षों में वह अकेले ऐसे मुख्यमंत्री थे जिन्होंने हिमालयी राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री के तौर पर अपना पांच साल का कार्यकाल पूरा किया। उनकी छवि एक सर्वमान्य नेता की रही, जिन्हें सभी पार्टियों के लोग आदर और सम्मान देते थे।
Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister N D Tiwari passed away at Saket’s Max Hospital here on Thursday. He was 93. The veteran politician was admitted to the hospital on September 20, 2017 after suffering a brain stroke and had been there since.
He was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital on October 26. He was suffering from fever and pneumonia. A team of doctors was monitoring his condition in the ICU round the clock.
A host of leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former PM Manmohan Singh, have condoled the demise of Tiwari.
Tiwari, who joined the Congress in 1963, was the only Indian politician to have served as chief minister of two states, Uttar Pradesh and later Uttarakhand. A Kumauni Brahmin, Tiwari first became chief minister of UP in 1976. His close ties to the Gandhi family, namely Indira and Sanjay Gandhi, helped him take over the post from Veer Bahadur Singh.
In 1984, Tiwari became the UP CM for the second time. While in power, he led the Congress to victory in the state elections held months after Indira Gandhi’s assassination the same year. However, Rajiv Gandhi replaced him within months of the victory.
ND Tiwari first became chief minister of UP in 1976. His close ties to the Gandhi family, namely Indira and Sanjay Gandhi, helped him take over the post from Veer Bahadur Singh. (Express archive photo)
Tiwari came back to power in UP for the third time in 1988. However, the Congress suffered a historic defeat in 1989 and has struggled to regain hold of the state since — it has been 28 years. All three of Tiwari’s terms as CM were very brief, not lasting more than a year each.
Tiwari was elected to both Houses of Parliament during his days in the Congress. In 1980, he was elected to the 7th Lok Sabha. He held several portfolios during his tenure. In 1985, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha. He also served as Minister of External Affairs in Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s cabinet, from 1986-87.
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi being received by his cabinet colleagues, Chief Ministers and others at Delhi airport on June 18, 1985 on his return from official visit abroad. SB Chavan, ND Tiwari and Arjun Singh also seen in the picture. (Express archive photo)
In 2002, the Congress stalwart became chief minister of Uttarakhand. He is the only chief minister in the state to complete a five-year term.
Tiwari also served as Governor of Andhra Pradesh between 2007 and 2009. He resigned after a sting operation allegedly showing him in a compromising position at Raj Bhavan with three women was released. He thereafter resigned cited his health as the reason.